Meeting Consumer Demand Through Quality Seed - Calvin Stover
Calvin Stover, Director, Seed Procurement & Quality Assurance,
Tanimura & Antle Inc.
Length - 31:16
Produce Industry Retail and Grower Leaders - Brian Church
Brian Church, CEO, Church Brothers Farms
Length - 26:37
Produce Industry Retail and Grower Leaders - Randy Riley
Randy Riley, Director of Produce, Kroger
Length - 30:52
Produce Industry Retail and Grower Leaders - Rep. James Panetta
Rep. James Panetta, 20th District of California
Length - 21:36
The Farmer of the Future - Executive Summary
Propelled by a perfect storm of market dynamics, innovation, demographic shifts and new management philosophies, the farmers of the future will defy conventional wisdom and conventional business models. Estimates indicate that just 5% of farms will produce 75% or more of America’s agricultural output by 2040. While the forces of consolidation and transformation are well known to industry leaders, the true nature of the farmers of the future was left to speculation.
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