
Welcome Remarks

Length - 5:46 | Email to a Colleague

Market Intelligence Briefing: FY15 Defense Budget

Welcome: Rob Roy, Federal CTO, HP Enterprise Security Products

  • Lloyd McCoy, DOD Consultant, immixGroup
  • Stephanie Meloni, DOD Senior Analyst, immixGroup

The immixGroup DOD Budget Briefing has become the annual must-attend event for anyone who sells technology products or solutions to the Department of Defense. Join us as experts from immixGroup’s Market Intelligence organization identify and explain targeted sales opportunities for COTS manufacturers and solution providers and discuss how to navigate the complex waters of DOD. Topics will include agency IT budgets, organizational landscapes, major acquisition
drivers, and FY15 programs.

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Market Intelligence Briefing: FY15 Defense Budget

Length - 1:12:26 | Email to a Colleague

Revving the Engine of Contract Vehicles

Moderator: Steve Charles, Co-founder & Executive Vice President, immixGroup

  • Jeramy Arnold, Proposal Manager, immixGroup
  • Ralph Scichilone, Contract Programs Manager, immixGroup
  • Adam Hyman, Senior Manager of Programs, immixGroup
  • Jenni Taylor, PMP, ITILv3, Contracts Program Manager, immixGroup
  • Charlie Whipple, Corporate Counsel, immixGroup

The government has more contract vehicles than ever to buy products and services, each one with its own manual of requirements and plenty of fine print. In this session, our panel of best-in-industry experts will map the lifecycle of each vehicle, spend rates for each, how to increase your win rate, small business set-asides, as well as teaming and subcontracting with vehicle primes. Listen to our panel of procurement, programs, and legal experts and be ready to get behind the wheel with actionable sales strategies.

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Revving the Engine of Contract Vehicles

Length - 1:11:36 | Email to a Colleague

A More Perfect Union: Tapping the State & Local Market

Moderator: Guran Green, Vice President of Corporate Development, immixGroup

  • Joseph Morris, Director of Market Intelligence, Center for Digital Government
  • Mark Boyer, Former State CIO, State of Alaska and General Manager, Proposal, Capture, and Contracts, Cisco U.S. Public Sector

After being hit hard by the 2008 recession and sequestration, state and local government IT spending is rising to pre-recession levels, representing more than $95 billion in fiscal year 2015. But to tap this opportunity, IT companies need to understand both the differences and similarities between federal and SLG markets. Join our experts as they analyze the latest data and discuss the realities of doing business within the SLG ecosystem, including how federal dollars flow to states and municipalities, critical contracts, acquisition strategies, specific IT priorities, and the partnerships that can make both vendors and solution providers successful in this fragmented but growing market.

Length - 1:07:16 | Email to a Colleague

Market Intelligence Briefing: FY15 Civilian Budget

Welcome: Rob Roy, Federal CTO, HP Enterprise Security Products

  • Tom O’Keefe, Civilian Senior Analyst, immixGroup
  • Chris Wiedemann, Civilian Senior Analyst, immixGroup

immixGroup’s 10th annual Civilian Budget Briefing will arm technology manufacturers and solution providers with the actionable information they need to pursue funded opportunities across the largest civilian agencies. immixGroup’s Market Intelligence experts will cover key technology priorities and delve into agency IT budgets, organizational landscapes, major acquisition drivers, and FY15 programs to help you better align your sales strategies and marketing messages.

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Market Intelligence Briefing: FY15 Civilian Budget

Length - 1:09:23 | Email to a Colleague

Influencing the Conversation: Social Media & Content Marketing

Moderator: Allan Rubin, Vice President of Marketing, immixGroup

  • Marc Hausman, President & CEO, Strategic Communications Group, Inc.
  • Monica Mayk, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. and Executive Editor,
  • Mark Amtower, Founding Partner, Amtower & Company
  • Steve Ressler, Founder and President, GovLoop

Many of the face-to-face conversations that used to take place at trade shows and events are now happening in digital forums for all to see. Your prospects are performing their own research online long before they contact you. How they perceive your solutions—and whether your company is even considered—may depend less on your controlled marketing materials than on what they find in Web articles, blogs, videos, and peer recommendations. This session will explore the social media and content marketing tactics that technology companies are employing in our market to generate leads, raise awareness, and accelerate the sales cycle. You’ll learn where to invest your resources to get tangible results, how to get your message across, and how to measure success.

Length - 01:11:06 | Email to a Colleague

Fundamentals of Selling Technology to the Government


  • Tim Larkins, Senior Manager, Market Intelligence, immixGroup
  • Lloyd McCoy, DOD Consultant, immixGroup

Selling in the U.S. public sector is nothing like selling in the commercial sector. There are different rules, cultures, and sales cycles that make government sales seem like a completely different world. This session addresses the key budgetary, acquisition, and technology themes within the public sector that are critical to sales success. Whether you are new to this market or just looking for a refresher, plan to attend to gain insight into how the government purchases technology.

Download the PDF and follow along.

  Fundamentals of Selling Technology to the Government

Length - 1:00:45 | Email to a Colleague

State of the Market

Moderator: Art Richer, CEO/President, immixGroup

  • Anthony Robbins, Vice President, Brocade Federal
  • Dermot Murray, Vice President, U.S. Federal Software, IBM
  • Ken Kartsen, Vice President of Federal Sales, Intel Security 
  • Paul Smith, Vice President, General Manager Public Sector, Red Hat

Forget the pundits. No one knows better what’s going on in government IT sales than the people working in it day in and day out. Join executives from immixGroup, Brocade, IBM, McAfee, and Red Hat as they discuss current market trends, challenges on the horizon, and how they’re planning to drive growth in a flat federal market.

Length - 55:45 | Email to a Colleague

The Art & Science of Recurring Revenue

Speaker: Tina Peeples, Senior Director, immixGroup

Growing revenue from an existing customer is six to seven times less expensive than acquiring a new one. In addition to upsell/cross-sell opportunities, government agencies are becoming ever-more acclimated to annual, monthly, and even “pay-as-you-go” subscription services that produce recurring revenue. During this session we will share proven strategies to retain and increase customers, utilize data analytics to drive customer-based revenue, implement and leverage automated systems & processes, and successfully create customers for life.

Download the PDF and follow along.

  The Art & Science of Recurring Revenue

Length - 32:33 | Email to a Colleague

Cracking the SI Code: How to Work with Systems Integrators

Moderator: Nick Wakeman, Editor-in-Chief, Washington Technology

  • Kanitha Sar, Cybersecurity Business Manager, Leidos
  • Scott Lewis, CEO, PS Partnerships
  • Joshua Canary, CISSP, PMP, Account General Manager, CSC
  • Ray Miles, Former Sales Executive, Northrop Grumman and Systems Integrator Alliances Manager, immixGroup

For many technology vendors and solution providers, success depends heavily on their ability to partner with federal systems integrators and provide technologies that add value to their offerings. But identifying the right integrators to work with—and actually reaching the critical decisions makers you need to influence—requires an approach that is part art, part science. This session will cover the important strategies and practical tips you need to identify which SIs are bidding on specific programs, locate the right contacts, approach them with relevant messages, and convince them to consider your solutions.

Length - 52:12 | Email to a Colleague

Optimizing the Data Center

Moderator: Tom Temin, Morning Host, The Federal Drive, Federal News Radio 1500AM

  • Frank Konieczny, CTO, Office of Information Dominance and CIO, Office of the Secretary USAF
  • Neal Shelley, Division Chief, Data Center Consolidation Plan, U.S. Army
  • Richard Spires, Former CIO, DHS and Co-Chair, Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative and CEO, Resilient Network Systems

There’s been a shift in the conversation about data centers from consolidation to optimization. Agencies are using PortfolioStat’s required annual reviews to drive efficiency and better IT management within the data center environment. Leveraging COTS products is a key component of the overall strategy. Our government panel will discuss the tools and methods they’re using to pursue Data Center Optimization, and areas where industry can assist.

Length - 1:00:54 | Email to a Colleague

Proceed with Caution: Hidden Cybersecurity Risk in IT Consolidation

Moderator: Chris Wilkinson, Senior Director, Market Development, immixGroup

  • Scott Jack, Former CIO, HQ USMC and Director of Communication and CIO, USAF Global Strike Command and President & CEO, BeNimble Consulting, LLC
  • Henry Sienkiewicz, Former CIO and Vice Chief Information Assurance Executive and Designated Accrediting Authority (DAA), DISA and Technology Consultant
  • William (Bill) Brougham, Former Vice Director for Network Services, Defense Information Systems Agency and Principal Consultant, Suss Consulting

As government infrastructure shrinks and interoperability improves across agencies, industry can play a key role in helping to keep systems and data secure. Despite moving toward a smaller attack surface, government agencies could actually face increased vulnerability as amplified amounts of data are concentrated into more target-rich attack vectors. Listen as government experts discuss strategies to protect against threats, and how industry can help.

Length - 01:01:41 | Email to a Colleague

Channel Strategies: Innovate or Languish

Moderator: Bob Laclede, Vice President Channels, immixGroup

  • Jill Aitoro, Senior Staff Reporter, Washington Business Journal
  • Lawrence Walsh, CEO and Chief Analyst, The 2112 Group
  • Stu Strang, Vice President, Sales, Iron Bow Technologies

“Flat is the new up” has become a mantra for some in the public sector. But even with continued challenges and ever-increasing competition, there are opportunities for companies willing to leverage, grow, and incentivize the channel. Innovation is needed to give tried-and-true techniques a necessary boost. Join our panel of experts as they discuss channel optimization strategies around deal registration, enablement, alignment, and more.

Length - 59:36 | Email to a Colleague

CDM: Don’t Miss Out on Opportunity Waiting for the Big Bang

Welcome: Chris Wilkinson, Senior Director, Market Development, immixGroup
Host: John Streufert, Director, Federal Network Resilience, Department of Homeland Security

  • Mark Kneidinger, Senior Advisor, Federal Network Resilience Division, Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Cybersecurity & Communications
  • Jim Piché, Group Manager, Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM)

You’ve probably heard about the $6 billion Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) contract vehicle and the impact it will have on cybersecurity procurement. Seems we are all tracking DHS’s Phased Implementation, but you could be missing out on immediate sales opportunities if you don’t understand how the Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) allows agencies to meet near-term requirements. Attend this session to find out which agencies have received a DPA, how it can be used, and the impact it can have on your cybersecurity sales efforts.

Length - 01:00:11 | Email to a Colleague

Clouds in the Forecast


  • David McClure PhD, Former Associate Administrator, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, General Services Administration and Chief Strategist, Veris Group
  • Roger Waldron, President, The Coalition for Government Procurement
  • Steve Charles, Co-founder & Executive Vice President, immixGroup

It’s been more than three years since “Cloud First” became the strategy, but of 20 cloud migration plans submitted to GAO for approval in 2012, only a handful have actually been completed. Join us for a brief look back at the last three years and predictions on where we’ll be three years from now. Learn what cloud products and services the government is likely to buy in the next 12 months, what providers need to have in place to be ready, and how to position your sales strategies to best advantage.

Length - 1:03:42 | Email to a Colleague

Lots and Lots of Data – Now What?

Moderator: Pam Baker, Editor; FierceBigData and co-author Data Divination: Big Data Strategies

  • Keith Trippie, Former Chair for the DHS Applications and Services Council (ASC) (Now CEO, The Trippie Group LLC)
  • Robert Ames, Sr. Vice President, Advanced Analytics, in-Q-Tel
  • Damon Davis, Director of the Health Data Initiative, CTO Office, US Department of Health and Human Services
The federal government has collected exabytes of data, with more amassing daily.  But what happens with Big Data once it’s been collected? Listen in as our government panel discusses the challenges agencies face in tagging, securing, analyzing, and leveraging Big Data through BI & analytics, and how they’d like to work with industry to implement solutions and best practices.

Length - 58:29 | Email to a Colleague

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