Welcome, Remarks: Rick Judson-NAHB, Keynote: Sen. Jon Tester


Keynote: Senator Bob Corker


Building a Better Future: Panel 1 - Demographics: The Outlook for Housing Demand


Building a Better Future: Panel 2 - Financing Housing GSE Reform


Building a Better Future: Panel 3 - Tax Reform Potential Effects on Homeownership


Keynote: Senator Johnny Isakson


Closing: David Hawkings, CQ Rollcall and Rick Judson, NAHB


Interview with NAHB Chairman Rick Judson


The webcast forum on Building a Better Future sponsored by NAHB aired on Tuesday, 9/17.

This CQ Roll Call Forum took a look at the current state of the housing market in the US and what policy makers can do to encourage market recovery – short term and long term – to ensure future contributions to the GDP.

This half-day event gathered Members of Congress, their staff, industry and association leaders and other key stakeholders together to examine the future of the housing market. They examined the role the market plays on the macro and micro level, and how effective policy can ultimately strengthen our communities for the future. It also explored the ways other key stakeholders in the legislative process (i.e. federal agencies, the private sector, non-profit organizations and academia) can work together to move the market forward.

Agenda on September 17:

8:00 am Breakfast reception and Welcome and Sponsor Remarks

Rick Judson, Chairman, NAHB

David Hawkings, senior editor, Roll Call

8:40 am Keynote: Senator John Tester (D-Mont.)

9:00 am Keynote: Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)

9:20 am Executive Panel 1

Demographics: The Outlook for Housing Demand and Production

Moderated by  David Hawkings, senior editor, Roll Call

Eric Belsky, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University

David Crowe, NAHB

Dr. Christopher Mayer, Columbia University

10:10 am Coffee Break

10:25 am Executive Panel 2

Financing Housing: GSE Reform and Sensible Mortgage Lending

Moderated by Nick Timiraos, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal

Michael Berman, Senior Advisor, Housing Finance, Department of Housing and Urban Development

Michael Calhoun, President, Center for Responsible Lending

Dr. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President, American Action Forum

Peter Wallison, Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

11:20 am Executive Panel 3

Tax Reform: Potential Effects on Homeownership and the Economy

Moderated by David Hawkings, senior editor, Roll Call

John Buckley, Professor, Georgetown University, and former Chief Democratic Tax Counsel, House Ways and Means Committee

Rob Dietz, Economist, NAHB

Dr. John Weicher, Senior Fellow, Director, Center for Housing and Financial Markets, Hudson Institute

12:15 pm Keynote: Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga)

12:35pm  Closing remarks from NAHB and Thank You from CQ Roll Call

Followed by Networking Luncheon