2022 Annual Educational Conference Videos

Welcome to Catholic Medical Association's

91st Annual Educational Conference Sessions

The video content from this year's conference will be available ONLINE ONLY. There will be no DVDs mailed out this year.

CME Credits: To receive CME credit for those sessions which qualify, you must receive a passing score of 70% or better on the test that will appear once you have completed viewing the session.
Click here for more information.

Helpful tips to navigate this portal:

To purchase sessions: Scroll down the page and click on the “Add to Cart” button for each session you would like to purchase. Once you have selected all the sessions, click the “Checkout” link to make the purchase.

Already registered? LOG IN here

  • To purchase full set of all talks, Click here to add that to your cart. (does not include EOL Forum and NFP Forum Recordings)
  • To purchase a 12-pack of sessions, simply select and add to your cart the sessions you want. Once you have selected 12, you will automatically receive the discounted 12-pack pricing of $215.
  • Each additional session beyond 12 will be priced at the single session price of $19.99 until you reach 24, at which point you will be charged for two 12-packs.

1) Click "Log in here" near the top of the page (next to the words "Already registered?"). If you do not see the "Log in" prompt then you are already logged in.
2) Enter the email address and password that you set up when you purchased the recordings.
3) To watch your purchased sessions, scroll to the session listing below and select the event day, then scroll to the session you would like to watch. Click on the "Play Video" button where you see the picture of the speaker.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us, support@performedia.com.

Session Pricing

Individual Recording $19.99
12 Pack $215.00
All Recordings for End of Life Forum $50.00
All Recordings for NFP Forum $50.00

* Best viewed in Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari

Keynote Address: My Father, The Healer

Rev. David Pivonka, TOR

Forums  |   Sep 8  |   Sep 9  |   Sep 10
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End of Life Forum

Welcome and Introduction
Michael Erdek, M.D. and Shirley Reddoch, M.D.

Care and Treatment Decisions for Compromised Patients or Patients at the End of Life
Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D.

Advance Care Planning Conversation and End of Life Decision Making the Who, What, Why, When, Where Considerations
Laurence Boggeln, M.D., Michael Erdek, M.D., Rev. John Raphael, Shirley Reddoch, M.D.

CME Credits: 2.5

Price: $50

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Natural Family Planning Forum

Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines on the Parameters of the Menstrual Cycle
Thomas P. Bouchard, M.D.

Descriptive Analysis of Hormonal Patterns During the Postpartum Transition to Fertility
Mary Schneider, Ph.D., FNP

Effectiveness of a Protocol for Avoiding Pregnancy During the Postpartum Transition to Fertility
Richard J. Fehring, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN

Does a Short Luteal Phase Correlate with an Increased Risk of Miscarriage?
Marguerite Duane, M.D.

A Comparison of Contraceptive and NFP Use on the Odds of Divorce and Separation as Found in the 2017-2019 NSFG
Michael Manhart, Ph.D.

CME Credits: 2.5

Price: $50