2019 Annual Educational Conference Videos
Welcome to Catholic Medical Association's
88th Annual Educational Conference Sessions
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- To purchase full set of all talks for $995, click here to add that to your cart. (does not include EOL Forum and NFP Forum Recordings)
- To purchase a 12-pack of sessions, simply select and add to your cart the sessions you want. Once you have selected 12, you will automatically receive the discounted 12-pack pricing of $215.
- Each additional session beyond 12 will be priced at the single session price of $19.99 until you reach 24, at which point you will be charged for two 12-packs. The same applies to sessions up to 36 and up to 48. If you select 49 or more sessions you will be charged the full session price of $995.
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3) To watch your purchased sessions, scroll to the session listing below and select the event day, then scroll to the session you would like to watch. Click on the "Play Video" button where you see the picture of the speaker.
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Session Pricing
Price | |
Individual Recording | $19.99 |
12 Pack | $215.00 |
All Recordings for End of Life Forum | $125.00 |
All Recordings for NFP Forum | $24.99 |
Full Set (Best Value!) - does not include NFP Forum and End of Life Forum Recordings | $995.00 |
* Best viewed in Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari
How to Repel Burnout and Increase Fulfillment in the Practice of Medicine – “CMA: History, Mission, Activity, and Antidote for Burnout” (Watch for FREE)
Thomas W. McGovern, M.D.
CME Credits: .75
Length - 42:01
End of Life Forum: Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
Natalie Rodden, M.D. and Deacon Alan Rastrelli, M.D.
Catholic Teachings on the EOL: A review of the Documents and Guidelines for Medical Practice
Rev. J. Daniel Mindling, OFM Cap., S.T.D.
You Can Lead a Body to Water, But... A Review of Catholic Teaching and Clinical Applications for Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration
Rev. John Raphael, Rafael Rosario, M.D.
Practicing End of Life Care: Palliative Medicine and Hospice 101
Natalie Rodden, M.D.
"Doc, this Tylenol is not working": Pain Management in Advanced Illness and Becoming Comfortable with Making Patients Comfortable
Karen O'Brien, M.D.
Suffering and The Caring for Patients in the ICU in the Age of Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
E. Wesley Ely, M.D., M.P.H.
“It’s not just the pain” Non-pain Symptom Management: Creatively Addressing Disabling Side Effects and Systems
Rafael Rosario, M.D.
Current Evidence for Palliative Interventions
Annmarie Hosie, R.N., Ph.D.
Managing Existential Distress: Serious Illness and the End of Life
Deacon Alan Rastrelli, M.D.
Building a Catholic EOL Culture and Engaging the Public Sphere: Real Life Pearls
Elliott Bedford Ph.D, Jozef Zalot, Ph.D., M.C. Sullivan R.N. J.D., Annmarie Hosie, R.N., Ph.D.
Closing Remarks
Natalie Rodden, M.D. and Deacon Alan Rastrelli, M.D.
CME Credits: 5.75
Price: $125
What's New with NFP?
Effectiveness of Fertility Awareness-Based Methods for Avoiding Pregnancy: A Systematic Review
Joseph Stanford M.D., M.P.H.
The Dot Fertility App: An Effective Approach to Expanding Access to Fertility Awareness-Based Method
Victoria Jennings Ph.D.
The Real-World Application of the Marquette Model Natural Family Planning Method (MM-NFP): A Multi-Site Effectiveness Study
Qiyan Mu, Ph.D., R.N.
Use of Urine Progesterone Tests for More Accurate Ovulation Monitoring
Amy Beckley, Ph.D.
Patients’ Experience in Conversing with Clinicians About Fertility Awareness Based Methods
Marguerite R. Duane M.D.
CME Credits: 2
Price: $24.99