While Congress continues to wrestle with the future of health care in the United States, patient needs must still must still be met. This is particularly important in the mental health field, where new innovations have the potential to revolutionize patient care. Roll Call Live, partnering with CQ's health care experts, will lead an engaging morning of discussion with members of Congress and other stakeholders covering the role the federal government can play in furthering those innovations.

Join the conversation: #RCMentalHealth @RollCall @OtsukaUS

Welcome Remarks from Roll Call Live

Steve Komarow, 
Senior Vice President & Executive Editor, CQ News (Host)
Fireside Chat with Dr. Arthur Evans, CEO, American Psychological Association

Andrew Siddons, 
Staff Writer, CQ News (Moderator)
Sponsored Remarks from Otsuka: Working Together to Shape the Future of Mental Health Care

Kabir Nath, President & CEO Otsuka North America
Lori M. Reilly, Executive Vice President for Policy, Research and Membership, PhRMA
Mary Giliberti, Chief Executive Officer, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Molly Ryan, Senior Director, Government Affairs & Advocacy, Otsuka (Moderator)
Innovative Approaches to Mental Health Care

Dr. Harsh Trivedi, President & CEO, Sheppard Pratt Health System
Mohini Venkatesh, Vice President of Practice Improvement, National Council for Behavioral Health
Andrew Siddons, Staff Writer, CQ News (Moderator)
Sponsor Interview

Kabir Nath, President & CEO, Otsuka North America